At the heart of OpenSpool are the NFC/RFID tags that you will place on every spool you want to automate. The OpenSpool hardware works with a wide variety of High-Frequency tags (13.56Mhz)


NFC is to RFID like Bluetooth is to Radio.
All NFC Tags are RFID tags, but not all RFID tags are NFC tags.

Tag Selection

Purchase NTAG 215 or 216

NTAG 215 - Amazon
NTAG 215 - Aliexpress

Tag Bytes Supported
NTAG 213 144 bytes
NTAG 215 504 bytes
NTAG 216 888 bytes


OpenSpool NFC tags create an NDEF message on the tag. NDEF messages are human readable and can be viewed from your phone.

iPhone - NFC Tools app
Android - NFC Tools app

The NDEF message is a single record of type application/json

    "protocol": "openspool",
    "version": "1.0",
    "type": "PLA",
    "color_hex": "FFAABB",
    "brand": "Generic",
    "min_temp": "220",
    "max_temp": "240"

color_hex = 6 digit hex color. For best results it needs to be one of the predefined values in bambu slicer.
type = One of the predfined values in bambu slicer.
brand = One of Generic, Overture PolyLite, eSun, PolyTerra. The full list can be found in bambuslicer. If a filament is defined that is not in this list, it will be assumed to be Generic.